Radiofrequency Treatment
Developing medical practice shows effective results in the treatment of many ailments. Radiofrequency therapy is also one of the popular methods. This method of treating chronic pain is applied by doctors who are specialists in their field. The method, which is one of the indispensable in alternative and modern medicine, helps to eliminate chronic pain.
Developing medical practices reveal effective results in the treatment of many ailments. Radiofrequency therapy is also one of the popular methods. This method, which is used in the treatment of chronic pain, is applied by doctors who are experts in the field. The method, which is one of the indispensables of alternative and modern medicine, helps to eliminate chronic pain.
How is Radiofrequency Treatment Performed?
One of the reasons why radiofrequency treatment is often preferred is that it is a simple method. The treatment method, which does not require general anesthesia, takes place in the operating room.
At this point, it can be feared that radiofrequency treatment will be painful. General anesthesia is not applied to the patient. Because by contacting the patient, they try to determine the location of the pain. We can not say that the procedure takes place completely painlessly, but only a few minutes of pain sensations appear.
Among the most curious subjects are the harms of radiofrequency therapy. Patients wonder if this procedure applied to them has any side effects. In order for radiofrequency therapy not to harm the patient, it must be applied correctly by experts. The least likely harmful effects of the application are:
At this point, the patient is informed about the side effects that will occur.
Radiofrequency therapy has many uses in many areas. The method of effectively treating pain is used in many areas. Some of them:
How many sessions of radiofrequency treatment is completed is also among the important issues. The number of sessions varies according to the patient's condition. Usually the application is 3 sessions.
The effect of radiofrequency varies according to the health status of the patient. Generally, patients report positive results after one week. The permanence rate of the procedure is more than 1 year.
It is a matter of curiosity whether radiofrequency has a carcinogenic effect. The period and the region where the procedure is applied affect the formation of the carcinogenic effect. If we need to give general information about this subject, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radiofrequency radiation as "perhaps carcinogenic to humans".
The doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed. After radiofrequency treatment, it is necessary to rest for a few days. The patient should not get out of bed except for his personal essential needs. In addition, it is one of the important points that the patient does not disrupt his controls. If the physician deems it necessary, exercise should be done regularly.